Engeco Srl work with many of Italy's most prestigious heritage, arts and cultural sites

From churches, museums to hermitages, theatres to ancient castles, our experience across heritage, arts and culture is as wide as the type of visitors these extraordinary places attract.

We are working with some of the Italy's most prestigious sites of national interest as they work to enrich the reputation of the nation and also attract millions of visitors to the Italy each year.


Through careful and competent dexterity, the qualified operators at Engeco Srl are able to save pictorial masterpieces of great artistic importance, exterior decorative elements of cathedral domes and churches and rescue weakened structures of high historical significance.


Cummulative decay, caused by natural events such as atmospheric, environmental, structural and geo-seismic pollution can increasingly require the contribution of the most qualified companies that can intervene in time with the necessary expertise. For many years Engeco Srl has made this service available to those responsible for the patrimony of the ecclesiastical Curia and to the numerous parish communities.


Through the careful and competent dexterity of our qualified operators we are able to give back to the community pictorial masterpieces of great artistic importance and high historical significance.


Other restoration interventions have been carried out by Engeco Srl on cathedral domes and other external decorative elements. For example: The reconstruction of the covering mantle in slate slabs, consolidation and securing of internal cornices, lantern inspections and securing of pinnacles and lightning protection system replacements.


Engeco Srl have intervened where safety measures and structural consolidation have been essential to bell towers and church spires. Techniques including the drilling and insertion of steel bars inside the walls, styling of the joints and final protective treatment of all surfaces. Some projects have included the cleaning and sealing of joints between elements of the masonry, and application of the final water-repellent protective treatment and hydro-demolition. Advanced techniques have included structural reinforcement by applying unidirectional carbon fiber bandages and final treatments with water repellent protective cycles.

Engeco Srl guarantees a total restoration

Cleaning, consolidation and treatment of exposed surfaces of the decorative elements to cultural works